Thursday, May 20, 2010

Former StarText Editor Checks In

Today's email brought this:


"I just stumbled upon your StarText history.

"As a long-impoverished, yet recent Baylor graduate, in 1988 I became a part-time editor at StarText while a student at Southwestern Seminary. I was always impressed with the possibilities the service provided and couldn't figure out why print media wasn't adopting the efficiencies of electronic production.

"I worked alone on the 5 pm to midnight shift inputting data. It was a pretty dry task, though I enjoyed scanning the news, writing headlines, and occasionally writing stories. In fact, I did live reporting during the San Francisco earthquake. [StarText News Editor] Christine Russell always was concerned about my 'dyslexia' when I input Wall Street download codes. Looking at 4598, for example, I would say 9845, but always input the number correctly.

Sometimes we didn't get the Star Telegram feeds, especially Rangers stories, and I'd have to walk over to the news editors -- who never really cared for the StarText side of things -- and remind them not to forget the electronic folks.

"The workday was over when David Letterman said goodnight, so I guess some things have not changed.

"And while I only vaguely remember you, thanks for the history."

Thom "Alan" Mackenzie

Alan --

I appreciate you taking the time to tell your StarText story. I would agree there was a little love/hate (or maybe more, like/dislike) relationship between the print and electronic sides of the house. Much the same as today, in many shops. But hey, we had to start somewhere and StarText just gave us a headstart on working out those issues.

By the way, Alan went on from his brief stint with StarText to, among other things, design and operate 11 computer centers for low income residents of Los Angeles. He returned to Texas, got a PhD in literature and now a college teacher. Congrats Alan, and thanks again for sharing.

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